French with Madame Shea

Pages Jaunes
French I
French II
French III
French IV
French V
Why French?
We will be moving into our new apartments soon...
...are you ready?


If you know the address of your apartment, have a photo of the building, and have your worksheet finished and ready to present, click here...

If you do not have a complete address or if you still need a photo of your building, click here...

If you have never had a chance to look up apartments on line in class, click here...'ll see an orange box that says "se loger" and looks like this:
Pièces :
Code postal :
Choix :
Type de bien :

Fill in as you see above.  In the code postal, type in

 750 then the arrondissement you want to live in.  If you want the fifth, type 75005.  If you want the 20th, type 75020.
Then hit "Valider" to view all available apartments.  Remember, you only have 500 euros to spend per month!